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Introduction to Population PK/PD Analysis Using Phoenix NLME

Phoenix NLME provides sophisticated algorithms and powerful and flexible data processing and modeling tools for population PK/PD analyses with an intuitive graphical user interface. The Phoenix system can be customized for any type of modeler from beginners to experts. Phoenix NLME is easy to learn as it has built-in PK/PD libraries that can be used without the need for coding. This webinar included a case study that illustrates the key features of Phoenix NLME.

Phoenix NLME provides sophisticated algorithms and powerful and flexible data processing and modeling tools for population PK/PD analyses with an intuitive graphical user interface. The Phoenix system can be customized for any type of modeler from beginners to experts. Phoenix NLME is easy to learn as it has built-in PK/PD libraries that can be used without the need for coding. This webinar included a case study that illustrates the key features of Phoenix NLME.

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