
Excluding Venous Thromboembolism Using Point of Care D-dimer Tests in Outpatients: A Diagnostic Meta-analysis

This article is a review the evidence on the diagnostic accuracy of the currently available point of care D-dimer tests for excluding venous thromboembolism.

We conducted a systematic review of research on the accuracy of point of care D-dimer tests, using bivariate regression to examine sources of variation and to estimate sensitivity and specificity.

Studies on the diagnostic accuracy of point of care D-dimer tests published between January 1995 and September 2008 and available in either Medline or Embase. Review methods The analysis included studies that compared point of care D-dimer tests with predefined reference criteria for venous thromboembolism, enrolled consecutive outpatients, and allowed for construction of a 2×2 table.

23 studies (total number of patients 13 959, range in mean age 38-65 years, range of venous thromboembolism prevalence 4-51+ACU-) were included in the meta-analysis. The studies reported two qualitative point of care D-dimer tests (SimpliRED D-dimer (n+AD0-12) and Clearview Simplify D-dimer (n+AD0-7)) and two quantitative point of care D-dimer tests (Cardiac D-dimer (n+AD0-4) and Triage D-dimer (n+AD0-2)). Overall sensitivity ranged from 0.85 (95+ACU- confidence interval 0.78 to 0.90) to 0.96 (0.91 to 0.98) and overall specificity from 0.48 (0.33 to 0.62) to 0.74 (0.69 to 0.78). The two quantitative tests Cardiac D-dimer and Triage D-dimer scored most favourably.

In outpatients suspected of venous thromboembolism, point of care D-dimer tests can contribute important information and guide patient management, notably in low risk patients (that is, those patients with a low score on a clinical decision rule).

Author(s): Geert-Jan Geersing, Arno Hoes, Johannes Reitsma, Karel Moons, Kristel Janssen, Ruud Oudega, Leon Bax

Year: 2009年8月14日

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