
CertaraのSimcyp™新型コロナウイルス感染症ワクチンモデルがR&D 100アワードを受賞

Biosimulation tool to conduct ‘what-if’ scenarios with virtual patients recognized in Software/Services category PRINCETON, NJ – 2021年10月25日 – Certara, Inc. バイオシミュレーションのグローバルリーダーであるサターラ(Nasdaq:CERT) はCERT), a global leader in biosimulation, today announced that its Simcyp COVID-19 Vaccine Model has won an R&D 100 Award, which recognizes the top 100 “R&D pioneers and their revolutionary ideas in … Continued


Alison Dillman,1 Michael J Zoratti,2 Jay JH Park,3 Grace Hsu,2 Louis Dron,2 Gerald Smith,2 Ofir Harari,2 Craig R Rayner,4 Noor-E Zannat,2 Alind Gupta,2 Eric Mackay,5 Paul Arora,6 Zelyn Lee,7 Edward J Mills2 A multitude of randomized controlled trials (RCTs) have emerged in response to the novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic. Understanding the distribution of trials among various settings is important to guide future research priorities and efforts. The … Continued

Clinical trials of disease stages in COVID 19: complicated and often misinterpreted

As of 2020年7月28日, 1840 clinical trials were registered globally, with 1001 clinical trials recruiting patients for COVID-19 management.1 Despite this large number, only 30 trials have been published as peer-reviewed or preprint publications.2 Media reports and prepublications on medRxiv and bioRxiv represent the most frequent mechanism for data sharing, with wide public reach and usually with little detail. However, … Continued

Accelerating Clinical Evaluation of Repurposed Combination Therapies for COVID-19

As the global COVID-19 pandemic continues, unabated and clinical trials demonstrate limited effective pharmaceutical interventions, there is a pressing need to accelerate treatment evaluations. Among options for accelerated development is the evaluation of drug combinations in the absence of prior monotherapy data. This approach is appealing for a number of reasons. First, combining two or … Continued

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