
The Benefits of Real-Time Nonclinical Safety Data Analysis

Accelerate Drug Safety Assessments with SEND Explorer

Reviewing data from ongoing nonclinical drug safety studies enables toxicologists to:

  • monitor findings as the study progresses,
  • adjust study designs in real-time, and
  • provide feedback to the drug development team to inform decision-making.

Unfortunately, performing data analysis and visualization while the study is ongoing can be challenging. Contract research organizations (CROs) conduct many of these studies, and they may not provide interim study data to sponsors. If interim data are available, they may be in a format unsuitable for analysis and visualization.

The SEND (Standard for Exchange of Nonclinical Data) format is used for animal data collected in nonclinical toxicology studies. Our latest white paper explores how SEND Explorer software helps toxicologists perform real-time data analysis and visualization to make faster, smarter decisions.


Download the white paper now for immediate insights on how to perform more thorough toxicology testing, faster, thus helping accelerate the pace of drug development.

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