
A Bird’s Eye View on Rare Diseases: Key Drug Development Considerations for Thyroid Eye Disease

New therapeutics discovery and development for ocular diseases have been traditionally associated with a low probability of technical and regulatory success. The significant unmet medical needs for ocular diseases include but aren’t limited to glaucoma, age-related macular degeneration, and retinopathy. Recently, there has also been considerable focus on thyroid eye disease (TED). This research gained … Continued

Certara 2019年のベストブログ

A selection of short essays from our blog, written to empower our clients with modeling and simulation (M&S), regulatory science, and real-world value assessment solutions to help them solve the toughest drug development problems. In the Best of the Blog, Certara’s scientists and regulatory experts share their learnings, technological advances, and thought leadership.

Immunogenicity Prediction and Dose Optimization using Clinically-Validated In Silico Modeling and Simulation

Biologic drug development is a rapidly evolving sector in the biopharmaceutical industry. Immunogenicity is an inherent challenge with this complex class of drugs. A quantitative systems pharmacology approach can be used to predict and better manage immunogenicity, and as a tool to guide clinical and regulatory decision-making in biologics drug development.


デュシェンヌ型筋ジストロフィー (DMD) は致死性の伴性劣性遺伝性の小児希少疾患であり、通常男児のみ発症します。進行性の筋変性、筋力低下をきたし、最終的には機能損失につながるのが特徴です。DMDは、筋肉の統合性の維持、および筋組織の分化を促すシグナルと成長の促進に必要なタンパク質である、ジストロフィン遺伝子の変異が原因となり発症します。… Continued

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