
EMA Reasons for Rejection of CCI

New data from European Medicines Agency (EMA) confirms the tough position EMA is taking in regard to commercially confidential information (CCI). According to the European Medicines Agency’s “EMA Update on Clinical Data Publication” published on 29 January, 2018, 76% of CCI instances were rejected in 2017. Interestingly, the EMA has provided further insight on how … Continued

New FDA Forms 356h and 1571

In August 2017, FDA updated both the Form FDA 356h (Application to Market a New Drug, Biologic or an Antibiotic Drug for Human Use) and the Form FDA 1571 (Investigational New Drug Application) to include new data fields. FDA asks that all sponsors begin using these new FDA forms 356h and 1571 immediately; however, it … Continued

Certara 2017年のベストブログ

A selection of short essays from our blog, written to empower our customers with modeling and simulation (M&S) and regulatory writing solutions in order to help them solve the toughest drug development problems. Certara staff contributions range in topic from pharmacometrics to systems biology to the growing importance of regulatory writing and sharing clinical trial results.


当社 Certara はイノベーターとして、当社のお客様の新薬開発や、アンメット・メディカルニーズへの対応、既存治療法の異なる患者集団への展開、規制対応の成功とマーケット・アクセスそれぞれの観点からの科学的情報の説明、リスク・ベネフィットプロファイルの最適化、競合環境における治療法の差別化、さらには何百万ドルという研究開発 (R&D) 費の削減などの支援に注力しています。

Using a Pharmacology to Payer Framework to Support Product Development

Modeling and simulation (M&S) of complex systems has primarily advanced vertically in differing scientific domains with a variety of domain-specific approaches and applications. The pharmacology to payer (P2P) concept is a way to connect independent domains to address drug development market failures. As an initial proof of concept, we collaborated with a team of clinical pharmacologists, … Continued

The Many Challenges of Narrative Writing

Narratives are an essential part of any programs’ story, but often become cumbersome due to the many challenges of narrative writing. A large narrative project is typically divided into several stages, within which each individual function typically works within a certain pre-defined budget, set of tasks, and labor allocation silo: The biostatistics group produces Tables, … Continued

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