
Certification Resources & FAQ

Preparing for the Certification Courses

よくあるご質問 (FAQ)

1. 認定試験の対象となるバージョンのソフトウェアをインストールして、アクセスできる状態にする必要がありますか ?
It is recommended to practice your skills using Phoenix on the version for which you are being certified. However, the exam includes interactive questions that test your knowledge of the software but doesn’t require access to the software on your desktop.

2. Do I need to register with Certara University to take a certification course?
Yes, the Certara Professional Certification Courses are administered within the learning system of Certara University (www.certarauniversity.com). After creating a login and enrolling in a course you will find it on your Home page.

3. After I register for a certification course, do I need to start right away?
Live courses occur on a set schedule as indicated in the course description. On-demand courses (e-learning) can be done at your own pace, but need to completed by the due date indicated on your Home page (typically 3 years). The certification exam is part of the course and should be completed before the course due date.

4. Phoenix WinNonlin について既に十分な知識と経験がありますが、Certara プロフェッショナル認定の受験には改めて Certara のトレーニングコースを受講する必要がありますか ?
This is possible. Please contact us (info@certarauniversity.com) for information about a stand-alone certification exam.

5. 認定者名簿の名前を非表示に設定することはできますか?
To opt out of the Certara certification directory, you need to change your e-badge from public to private. Login to your Credly account. From the main menu, choose Settings, and then Privacy and Security. You can specify the options for the visibility of your account.

6. If I let my certification expired can I renew it?
After a certification has expired (eg, 3 years), a certification cannot be renewed. A new certification course should be completed or the exam retaken with a supported version of Phoenix.

7. Are there academic discounts for certification courses?
There are standard discounts for academics taking the Certara Professional Certification Courses. Certara University offers significant standard discounts (50% off) for training courses to students and staff associated with an accredited academic organization.

8. 認定試験に不合格となった場合、どうすればいいでしょうか ?
認定試験の登録 1 回ごとに 2 回受験する権利が提供されます。If both attempts are failed, the user would need to register again for the course of the stand-alone exam.

9. 試験の開始後、いつまでに試験を終了させる必要がありますか ?
There are time limits for both parts of the exam. You will need to complete part 1 of the exam within 1 hour and 45 minutes. Part 2 of the exam must be completed within 1 hour and 15 minutes. The clock starts ticking from the time you press the Start Exam button in each part. Each part of the exam can be taken at different times. 問題に一度解答したら、元に戻って見直すことはできません。This allotted time is more than enough to allow you to answer questions and prove your knowledge of the subject matter.

10. 合格には何点以上必要ですか? 不合格になった場合、再受験できますか ?
A certification will be granted if 75% of the questions in each part are answered correctly. 認定試験に 1 回登録すると、2 回まで受験することができます。

11. 認定の有効期間は何年ですか ?
Certara Professional Certifications are valid for 3 years from the date you passed the exam.

12. What is a Certara digital e-badge?
A digital e-badge associated with each earned Certara certification will be provided to you to communicate your credentials in a verified manner. Certara certification digital badges are delivered by the Credly platform and can be used in email signatures, digital résumés, and social media sites such as LinkedIn. A digital e-badge is an image that contains verified metadata describing your qualifications and the process required to earn them.

13. 取得した認定を証明する紙媒体の認定証は交付されますか ?
After you have accepted your e-badge from Credly, you can obtain a printed certificate by clicking on the SHARE button under your e-badge and selecting the last option to Download Certificate.

Contact us at info@certarauniversity.com if you have any questions.

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