
Part of the business case for adopting BaseCase was the expectation that taking time-consuming programming out of the process would help reduce timelines. As they began using the platform, the Otsuka team found that the ability to develop tools independently was key to achieving this result. After successfully implementing the platform, the Otsuka team identified three key success factors:

  • Level of control over app development — App vendors have been removed from the process and the team are able to develop, deploy and update apps internally, without being dependent on an external agency’s timeline.
  • Time to develop new apps and update existing ones — Reduced by around 50%.
  • Cost of developing and updating apps — Cut by around 75%.
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I actually created the apps we’ve made so far by myself. It’s a really easy-to-use system. Using an app vendor would take a lot longer – that process usually took a month and a half to get a draft. I probably got to the same point with BaseCase in about a week and a half.

Heidi Waters Director of Outcomes Management, Otsuka

About Otsuka

Headquartered in Tokyo, Japan, Otsuka is a global pharmaceutical company with over 5,000 employees. In pharmaceuticals, Otsuka is a leader in the challenging areas of mental, renal and cardiovascular health and has additional research programs in oncology and on several under-addressed diseases including tuberculosis, a significant global public health issue.

CaseStudy Certara Using Customer Engagement Technology Tokyo


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