


CertaraはCode of Conduct(企業行動規範)を規定し、当社自身および当社の商慣行を高い水準に維持することで、利害関係者に対して当社の責務を履行します。

Dr. Masoud Jamei is the designated official to receive allegations of research misconduct involving USPHS supported research. If you believe a case of Research Misconduct has occurred at Certara, that is consistent with U.S. Federal regulation, 42 CFR Parts 50 and 93, please report your allegation to Dr. Masoud Jamei (masoud.jamei@certara.com) in writing. Thank you.

Certara Compliance Line
If you have any concerns, require advice, need to report misconduct, or have other information to share regarding Certara Company policies and procedures or employee behavior, you can access the Certara Compliance Line at 1-844-330-7092 or go online: http://certara.ethicspoint.com/. このサービスは、1日24時間、週7日、ご利用可能です。これは独立した、安全なサービスであり、機密は保持されます。

Members of the public may request information about Certara’s significant financial interests related to PHS funded research. Any requests for information will be responded to within five (5) working days if the following conditions are met; significant conflicts of interest have been disclosed and relate to the PHS funded project, and have been identified as FCOIs. Requests can be received and information disclosed up to three years after the end date of the project. More Information

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