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FDA Modernization Act2.0:創薬研究者はどこに注目すべきか?


Historically, the FDA has required drug discovery and development programs to include animal testing. This requirement has ended with the 2022 passage of the FDA Modernization Act. This change has opened the door for expanded use of alternatives to animal testing including biosimulation, organ-on-a-chip, and cell based assays.

In this panel discussion with Nasdaq’s David Wicks and Certara’s Dr. Jim Herman and Dr. Hannah Jones, they will discuss how scientists can use innovative, leading-edge technologies more fully in future drug discovery and development strategies.  By attending this interactive webinar, you will learn:

• How physiologically-based pharmacokinetic (PBPK) modeling can help bridge the chasm between pre-clinical and clinical development
• Best practices in toxicology to streamline non-clinical development and assessment of drug safety
• The coming trends in the pharmaceutical industry to support the 3Rs of animal testing (reduce, refine, replace)

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