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Closing the Loop: How to Improve the Management of Your Design-Make-Test-Analyze Cycle [China Webinar]

Tue, June 18th 2024

Video Coming Soon

Scientists in drug discovery often spend excessive time managing research data instead of concentrating on identifying the most promising compounds for new drugs. The right technology streamlines the drug discovery process, providing a seamless workflow for data-driven design, analysis, and research tracking of compounds.

In this webinar, experts from Certara and Chemaxon will guide scientists through the Design-Make-Test-Analyze (DMTA) cycle, demonstrating how D360 and Design Hub deliver the digital tools needed to:

  • Analyze data from both real and virtual project compounds
  • Formulate hypotheses and design candidate compounds
  • Manage internal and external task assignment
  • Monitor the progress of synthesis

Research scientists, medicinal chemists, computational chemists, and discovery biologists looking to streamline their research processes.


Jan Christopherson

Senior Application Scientist, Chemaxon

Dr. Essi Koskela

Enterprise Informatics Consultant, Certara

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