
Using M&S to Evaluate Oncology Drug Dosing

There are numerous challenges in developing oncology drugs: (1) they are often very toxic which precludes conducting clinical trials in healthy volunteers, (2) the PK of a drug may be altered in cancer patients due to demographic and physiological differences as compared to healthy volunteers, and (3) cancer patients face elevated drug-drug interaction (DDI) risk … Continued

Certara 2017年のベストブログ

A selection of short essays from our blog, written to empower our customers with modeling and simulation (M&S) and regulatory writing solutions in order to help them solve the toughest drug development problems. Certara staff contributions range in topic from pharmacometrics to systems biology to the growing importance of regulatory writing and sharing clinical trial results.

Using a Pharmacology to Payer Framework to Support Product Development

Modeling and simulation (M&S) of complex systems has primarily advanced vertically in differing scientific domains with a variety of domain-specific approaches and applications. The pharmacology to payer (P2P) concept is a way to connect independent domains to address drug development market failures. As an initial proof of concept, we collaborated with a team of clinical pharmacologists, … Continued

Apocalyptic Clinical Pharmacology: A Comprehensive Approach to Drug Development

Watch this webinar with Dr. Graham Scott, Senior Director of Clinical Pharmacology at Certara Strategic Consulting, to learn why you should invest in “apocalyptic clinical pharmacology.”Dr. Scott presented case studies that illustrate how sponsors can benefit from a clinical pharmacology strategy that uses model-informed approaches to inform and “fill in the gaps” of clinical trials.

The Modernization of Orphan Drug Development

Orphan drugs affect 350,000 people worldwide, including 10% of the US population and 1 in 25 Europeans. Model-informed drug development (MIDD) approaches, such as PBPK and PopPK have been embraced by sponsors and regulators, and play a key role in modernizing and accelerating orphan drug development.

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